thebreakfastpantry.com does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, correctness, timeliness, or usefulness of any medical or health information posted or otherwise available on or through access to the Site. thebreakfastpantry.com is not responsible for the content of any linked pages, or any other sites linked to the Site and thebreakfastpantry.com assumes no liability or responsibility arising from the contents of any off-site pages or sites. The information provided by thebreakfastpantry.com on the Site are for educational purposes only and in summary form intended to provide general consumer understanding and knowledge of health care topics and thebreakfastpantry.com is not responsible and shall not be liable to you or anyone else for any action or decision taken in reliance upon the information contained in the Site. You are responsible to review and understand all package and package insert information concerning products purchased from thebreakfastpantry.com.
The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The information provided on the Site is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medial diagnosis or treatment. You should seek the advice of your doctor or pharmacist prior to starting any treatment or in connection with any health problems or questions. The Information is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide specific advice for you, and should not be relied upon in that regard. You should not act or rely on the Information without seeking the advice of a professional.
You should not use the information contained on this site for diagnosing, treating, curing or preventing a health problem or prescribing a medication. You should carefully read all information provided by the manufacturers of the product on or in the product packaging and labels before using any product. Always consult your own physician for advice and treatment.